Print Media Digital Marketing

How Print Media Can Boost Your Digital Marketing

It’s time for print media to receive the recognition it deserves. Far from a dying communication method, print media has established its essential place in modern marketing strategies. Are you getting the full potential of print media in your marketing efforts?


Two huge trends have been accelerated by the pandemic: (1) that digital solutions to everyday life will continue to grow at a breakneck pace and (2) that more and more people are affected by digital fatigue. A recent study found that 47% of those surveyed actively take breaks from internet-connected devices throughout their day.[1] On the surface, these seem to be conflicting trends, however, a deeper look reveals that many people are looking for the right balance between digital and print media.

What does this mean for marketing and business communication?

The most successful marketing strategies will have found the right balance between digital and print media. It’s understandable that due to the digital consumer trends, most businesses have gone completely digital with their marketing efforts. For many, the marketing decisions are solely about how to approach each of the social media and online channels for maximum reach to their audience with little to no consideration regarding print media. While this is proving to be successful for many, this approach ignores two things: (1) the segment of their target market that they are not reaching through digital marketing and (2) the deep impact print media can have when done well.

Print media is powerful

Print media holds power with consumers that digital media just cannot. Print media makes a deeper impression on our senses, creating long-lasting memories. Studies have shown that there is more response from printed advertising than the same digital ads. Since so much of marketing has moved to digital, there is less competition with print media. This means the consumer will spend more time with the print ads they do get. Credibility goes way up too. Consumers know there is a cost and assign value based on the quality of the printing. Most consumers, when looking at good quality printing work, will rightly assume that any business paying for it is more credible and trustworthy because they are willing to spend real money to communicate with customers. The opposite can be felt with digital media. When digital media is done poorly, credibility and trust are easily lost.

Consumers also like print media because they are in full control of it while they use it without fear of spying, viruses, or hacking. They can read it, toss it, shred it, or even stick it to the fridge to remember for later.

Find the right balance

Finding the right balance for your business is critical. It will mean not just more responses but better responses with more sales. Identify your market and learn what they prefer and when. Better yet, to what do they respond? What is working in your industry? It may take some market and industry research along with some trial and error, however, the effort will be rewarded with new customers reached in a way they like.


A great example of this has been going on for years in NYC with a free “mini” edition of their daily newspapers. They are given out primarily as people enter public transit. They have some of the big stories for the day but also feature all the main sections of the normal edition just with fewer stories. Many digital newsreaders like this form of print media while they ride the train or bus to work. It’s a nice break and the format makes the news very consumable. These “mini” editions have been a huge success as they are reaching new and existing customers using print media in a new way.

Partners not competitors

Get the greatest impact from print media by partnering it with your digital efforts. Set up your campaigns so print supports the digital channel and vice versa. Do this by always tieing the print media back to a digital call to action by giving your web address, promo link,  or social media handle. Remember to add value to the experience by giving them a good reason to go down this rabbit hole. Keep the call to action clear and singular.

Five ways to use print media to enhance your digital marketing strategy


  1. Direct mail postcards linking to a landing page. The postcard may seem limited, but its small, simple format can be used with a very compelling effect. Rather than mass mailing, for the best results, pair down your mailing list to well-qualified leads. Be sure to include a discount code, link to a free download, or some other promotion so they have a good reason to seek you out.
  2. Promotional inserts in product shipments. Some companies have been doing this for a long time for good reason: it works! Costumers are happy to receive what they ordered and you can help them ride that wave of contentment right back to your website for another equally gratifying product. Keep the message simple. Thank them for their order and for being such a wonderful customer. Then give them a discount promo code of at least 15% to 20% so it’s clear you appreciate them. For an even bigger impact, have the message come from the business owner.
  3. Personalized direct mail to your current and previous customers. Sending out congratulations for birthdays, anniversaries, and other life events can go a long way in cementing the long-term customer relationship. Be sure to include a “gift” in the form of a freebie or a discount code to redeem on your website.
  4. High-quality brochure for valued prospects with ready-to-use reference information. This can work well for high-dollar or high-commitment products and services like new cars and luxury apartment rentals. The customer appreciates the brochure’s hands-on use, which makes it easy for them to compare this with other options. Be sure as well to add the link to see more online.
  5. Cards or leaflets promoting a new mobile app or website. App stores and search engines are being used by all of your competitors making them a difficult place to find new customers. Using high-quality yet small cards can be highly effective to introduce your new digital app without any other competitors around.

Leverage our experience

For over twenty years, here at Alliance, we have been helping businesses design and implement the print media part of their marketing strategy. We would love to help you find the right print media to best complement your digital marketing. Let’s talk.

