printing equipment

Canon Colorstream Printer – Welcome To The Family

ColorStream – Welcome to the Team!   “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” Those words from astronaut Jim Lovell of Apollo 13 perfectly sum up the dilemma we had.  For nearly 10 years, we were trying to take on a new client, but our efforts kept stalling out. This client needed large amounts of high-quality booklets printed with a short turnaround …

Direct Mail Effective 2021

Is Direct Mail Effective in 2021?

Despised, reviled, scorned, and shunned by many, physical mail, especially direct mail, often gets abused publicly as being slow, old-fashioned, and a waste. With names like snail mail, unsolicited, junk, and third-class, it’s got a bad image built in that is hard to overcome. In fact, for the last two decades, many have been predicting the death of snail-mail altogether. …